The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 147: Frederick A


Ah, Frederick. And what deeply personal matter will you be prying into today, mmm?

Perhaps we could talk about a large anonymous donation we just received? I've no doubt you played a part in that. ... And in truth, we badly needed it.

: Permit me to offer my thanks, and Chrom's in his stead.

You are quite welcome. I was confident a clever fellow like you would catch on!

I doubted Chrom would have accepted if I made the offer openly. Especially considering the... less-than-immaculate origin of the goods.

Hence the anonymous donation.

Rather genius, wouldn't you say? Elegant! Sophisticated! A perfect match for-

But no one will ever know it was you.

Yes, but you're interrupting again. We've had this chat, Frederick! Ah well. I suppose there's a kind of rustic charm to your enthusiasm.

... My apologies. But I can't help think that giving so much without recompense is unlike you.

You wound me, sir! And besides, I haven't come up empty handed. I said I was confident you'd catch on Frederick, and I meant it. So now you are in my debt.

Ah, there's the rub! And just what would you ask of me in return?

When the fighting is over, peace will return to my land. And I plan to enlist the help of Ylisse in rebuilding it. I suspect Chrom would agree without my resorting to such tricks, but... Well, a clever man takes no chances. With you to convince him, I'd say the matter is settled, mmm?

Unbelievable. You're already planning beyond this campaign?

You'd do well to do the same! Chrom boasts an archer of my caliber and a warrior of yours among his ranks... The man could scarcely lose if he tried.

A taste of the same flattery you use on the noble ladies, no doubt. Still, we have no choice but to give our all. That much is true. Let's pray our combined efforts are enough.

I'm perfectly confident in my portion of the bargain, Frederick. Just see that you hold up your end!

I was about to say the same.